
среда, 28 октября 2009 г.

Настройки плагина Yoo Galary

Source Directory Image source directory as relative path to the Joomla directory Plugin Parameter Example: src=[/images/stories/fruit/] Style The YOOgallery styling (Lightbox, Slideshow) Plugin Parameter Example: style=[slideshow] Slideshow Transition Set the image transition effect. Only for slideshow style (Fade, Wipe , Slide, Random) Plugin Parameter Example: effect=[fade] Thumbnail Style The thumbnail style (Default, Polaroid, Rounded, Cut, Plain) Plugin Parameter Example: thumb=[polaroid] Thumbnail Ordering The thumbnail ordering(Ascending, Descending, Random) Plugin Parameter Example: order=[asc] Thumbnail Spotlight Thumbnail opacity will change on mouse hover Plugin Parameter Example: spotlight=[0] Thumbnail Width (px) Default thumbnail width in pixel (set to 0 to auto-calculate width) Plugin Parameter Example: width=[160] Thumbnail Height (px) Default thumbnail height in pixel (set to 0 to auto-calculate height) Plugin Parameter Example: height=[100] Thumbnail Resizing If set the source image width/height are resized to match the thumbnail width/height Plugin Parameter Example: resize=[1] Thumbnail Count Limit the number of thumbnails to show, set it to 0 to show all thumbnails Plugin Parameter Example: count=[10] Thumbnail Title Thumbnail title will be used as default description in lightbox, instead of the filename Plugin Parameter Example: title=[My Gallery] Thumbnail File Prefix Default thumbnail file prefix Plugin Parameter Example: prefix=[thumb_] Thumbnail Cache Directory Default thumbnail cache directory name which resides inside the source images directory Plugin Parameter Example: thumb_cache_dir=[thumbs] Thumbnail Cache Time (min) Period of time (minutes) until the thumbnail image is re-cached Plugin Parameter Example: thumb_cache_time=[1440] Load Lightbox Load included lightbox JavaScript Plugin Parameter Example: load_lightbox=[1] Lightbox Rel Parameter If set the custom rel parameter is used for the lightbox, Example lightbox[mygallery] Plugin Parameter Example: rel=[lightbox[mygallery]]

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